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Privacy Policy

Contact Informat

Suggested text: Clipping Path  de Service provides zero tolerance for exchanging contact details. No other party other than our own usage shall we have your contact information.

Image Copyright

Suggested text: When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the

Our highest priority is the image copyright of our clients or consumers. We do not share, supply or use our customers ‘ photos. In order to identify our customers, we have a good monitoring system.

Resource Hacking

Suggested text: We have a protection system against hackers and use secured servers for file transfer. We also block search engine bots from crawling resources from our private servers.

Quality is the First Word

Suggested text: Quality is measured in terms of the instruction of the clients to the related projects. It is checked in every stage that is everything processing as per the client’s requirement or not. Every instruction should be covered throughout the whole process. Before upload the final processed work, it checked again.

Our QA Process

Suggested text: We practice Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy. Therefore, our Quality Assurance occurs in 4 levels with 2 levels supports through QA Team:

Supervisor Level
QA Team Level X 2
Delivery Level

Supervisor Level: We have many senior graphics designers who are working as supervisors and instructors to ensure the best quality services for our clients. They work as standby professionals to monitor graphic designers in each workstation in their team.

QA Team Level: When a designer completed his/her work. It is sent to the quality assurance team. Another team then checks them with our customized software for errors and fix if any found. Then it is sent to another team when Sr. Designers check them manually as per clients’ requirements.

Image Delivery Level: After that, it is sent to the customer service department who uploads them to the client’s FTP or email. That is the process of how to assure our quality in every level of work.

Additional QA Levels: To ensure better quality for the future and grow the skills of employees, we also have even more levels that help us in ensuring steady growth, best practices, cost, and waste minimization:

Customer Satisfaction: We base our quality of service on customer satisfaction We periodically monitor customer satisfaction and make corrections and/or arrange in-house training for our employees.

Project Management Level: Our project managers are responsible for managing various processes and best practices to ensure the best working intelligence to ensure total quality management at every level.

Human Resource Management Level: We provide various training and design corporate protocols based on providing Total Quality Management (TQM). We also make sure that every employee in our company is aware of the QA factors of other departments and production units.

QA Tools and Technology

We use customized software to check errors. The CPS Photoshop QA Tool, which checks and resolves the following issues:

  • Extra path (the software will detect and point out any extra path with a red circle).
  • Open path (the software will detect and point out any open path with a red circle).
  • Extra/Unwanted anchor point (the software will detect any extra/unwanted anchor point and mark it with a red circle).
  • Out of canvas anchor point/open path – detects and gives x/y axis value to find the point

automated spam detection service.

Detects and removes BLANK SPACES before or after pathname (i.e. “silo”, “path”)

Detects and replace capital letters.